I create commissioned and available pieces for sale in oil, mixed medium and acrylic on canvas and acrylic paint pour art.
ART PAYMENT INSTALLMENT PLAN – It’s such a wonderful feeling when my artwork finds it’s forever home. If you love one of my pieces I would love for you to enjoy it in your life.
How it works: Find an available painting from my website or you and I can collaborate to create a commission piece, your colors, style, and size. Let me know how many months you would like to spread out the cost (maximum of 6 months) and I will create a contract specially designed for you. The contract is interest-free and I will not add any additional surcharges to the cost of your painting. Shipping is included.
Once the cost of the painting has been paid, it will be yours. I will deliver locally or ship your piece to you.
Invoicing will be done monthly through PayPal with numerous payment options available such as CashApp or Venmo.
If for any reason, you stop making payments, payments made are non-refundable. They can however be applied to another piece of artwork equal in value to the total amount paid at the time. If payments can’t be made on time just communicate with me.
You can email me directly at or fill out this contact form.